Friday, May 16, 2008

How did the rooster cross the road?

My dear husband invited me to walk with him in the evening.
It was nice to walk and to talk. I was winded but he wasn't.
I experienced the peaks and valleys (when you think you can't
take another step, then as you continue to press on, you get a
boost of energy and you know you can make it to the end).
He didn't. He said he felt like he could keep walking, forever.

After our cool down walk, he said his legs were stiffening up.
He could barely walk around the rest of the night.

I got such a chuckle out of saying to him, "You need to ride the
exercise bike now," as he often says to me.

If you see my blonde rooster along the road, please slow down. He won't be able to run out of the way. He's not just strutting, he HAS to walk that way!

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