Sunday, March 27, 2011


My personal trainer, Jon, started a walking group twice a week. We met at a local park and walked at our own pace. We walked at the park for two months (or so).

Next, Jon took us to North Mountain park to vary our walking. My WW buddy and I walk together. We each utilize two ski poles (remade by my dad) for walking and balance. He measured them to our height, cut the tips off and added rubber ends. Pretty cool! 

My WW buddy and I started out by walking 1/2 way around the road at the park. We'd go half way and then turn around and walk back. Following this path, we ventured uphill a tad bit. We'd both puff and strain to get to our turn-around place and gladly head back downhill.

For the last two weeks, we have made it ALL THE WAY around the road!! What a sense of accomplishment we celebrated at the top the first time we made it there!! Then, each time we'd walk, we HAD to go all the way around (because now we knew we could)! 

Monday, March 14, 2011

No cliff in sight

Thinking healthier today : )

Had an ecouraging and uplifting Weight Watchers meeting this evening. Scale reported I went down 1.2 pounds.
Another 2.6 pounds to lose to receive my NEXT  blue ribbon! 
I bought a box of "yummies" at the WW meeting for this weekend. I'll be retreating with a whole group of gals, and that means snackies and chocolate. I'm planning ahead to bring my own.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

It's Up to Me

In a bad place today. It feels like I'm standing on the edge. I have reasons for returning to "using" food in my former ways. Reasons ... but reasons are not excuses. No matter what I did yesterday, I can choose NOT to fall today. All I have to do is to step back ... and then walk away.

To walk to the edge is not the same as jumping over the edge. No one actually FALLS over. They intentionally jump.