Friday, August 22, 2008

Blind Sale

I had to do one of my least favorite things recently. I really detest it. I put it off as long as I could.

It was time to get a new pair of glasses. It is difficult for me to pick out a frame because without my prescription lens on, I can't see clearly. It doesn't matter which style or color I try on, I don't like the way they look on me.

This time I decided to go back to single vision lens (from progressive bifocals). It took a long time to get used to wearing the "no line" bifocals. I had to move my head up and down to find the place where I'd have the clearest vision.

I thought I'd like having clear (far away) vision all the time. I'm finding that I do alot of inbetween looking. For reading I can take the glasses off, I'm talking about doing things like making a sandwich with the glasses on and my vision is blurry because the lens are too strong at that distance.

Wish you could try before you buy ...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Today's Chuckle

This wouldn't be funny if it was accurrate.

My husband did not have medical insurance. He rarely goes to the Dr. He has a phobia of needles, hospitals, white coats and the smell of rubbing alcohol. For the 19 years that I've
known him this was not an issue. His one injury was covered by the medical insurance I had when I was working. He was in pain and couldn't walk so he willingly saw a Dr.

Back to the point at hand. His recent affliction afforded us well over $10,000.00 in medical bills.
We applied for the emergency medical AHCCCS coverage. When I turned in our application the woman at the window said I should go ahead and apply for food stamps. I knew we wouldn't qualify BUT what I didn't know is what would be coming down the line. Would my sweetheart need to have surgery? Would he be unable to work for an extended period of time? So I checked the box for food stamps.

I am going to get to the funny part, I promise.

We received a letter from DES yesterday stating that we are covered and most of our medical bills will be covered. There was also a letter atttached that said this:"... your food stamp program application has been denied for the following reason: Your gross monthly income of $200.00 exceeds the maximum allowable of $2238.00." [what?!]

Then a second letter arrived that said this: " Your application for food stamps ... has been approved. Effective 7/2008 you will receive $0.00. For the next month you will receive $0.00, and after that you will receive $00.00. You are approved through 2/2009. " [huh?!]

If our monthly income was indeed $200.00, this would not be funny. Fortuntely we are not in need of food stamps.

The Creature

The first time I saw it it was laying on top of our wall in the backyard. It was taunting my dog. There was something mesmorizing about it. Not only the size, which was larger than an average cat, but the face! The face was .... strange! For one thing, this creature does not appear to have any ears. I don't know if it is the coloring of the face or ?? but it has the stangest face I have ever seen. The closest description I can come up with is an alien. The face looks like the pictures we've all seen of an alien (large on top, smaller at the jaw line).

Call me crazy, but immediately I thought of my neighbor. She claims to be an alien. She told me that soon after we met for the first time. She said that she has regular visits (when there is a full moon) and pulled up her sleeve to show me the two marks on her arm where she says she is injected.

I'm not trying to convinces you that there are aliens. This isn't really about aliens. It's about the creature.

My mom was here last night. She told me she saw it run across my front yard. I asked her if she was mesmorized by its face. She said all she could see was that it had a stange head and no ears.
Yep! That's it!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Back At It

We finally got a diagnosis (for my dear husband) yesterday. It was great news! Now that we know what it is and that it's treatable, he should be much better in 3 weeks time.

I walked today (first time in I don't know how long ... over a month at least). I started writing down what I'm eating. I had to fight off the thought that today is Thursday (not Monday) and it somehow seems "wrong" to start on a Thursday.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Blushing Bride

The wedding day finally came. Here she is, the beautiful (and thin) bride. That's me, in the purple dress. It's not THE dress that I blogged about. It's not a moo-moo either (if you missed the significance of that go back and read my previous post entitled "Not Here a Moo Not There a Moo Nowhere a Moo Moo").

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Friday, August 1, 2008

I've Made it into the Digital Age

Here we are ... the blonde rooster and the little red hen.

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