Thursday, May 1, 2008

Walking this week

Some days are harder than others. I'm not excited about putting on my tennis shoes and heading out the door as soon as I wake up anymore. It helps to have already made a decision that I would walk first thing in the morning, period.

At the beginning of this week I decided to walk at the park (instead of down the street). I began week two walking for 20 minutes.

I prefer walking a certain distance (to a goal) rather than walking for a time period. Monday I just walked and kept looking at my watch. Twenty minutes seemed a very long time.

Tuesday I decided to walk a certain path and then look at my watch. Time went by faster that day.

Today (Thursday) Julianne and I went to a National Day of Prayer event at City Hall. I had already walked my 20 minutes earlier in the morning. I could really feel it in my legs as we walked around downtown. When I would stand up to walk after sitting for awhile, my legs were stiff then wobbly. I just laughed when Julie would say, "hurry Mom! We can make this light!" I couldn't hurry.

Week one I walked for 10 minutes. Week two I stepped it up to 20 minutes. Bob brought home an exercise bike on Wednesday and I rode it for 20 minutes in the evening.

Maybe I'm pushing myself too fast.

I've been playing phone tag with my trainer. She's out of town meeting her future in-laws for the first time. All the siblings will be there too. I don't know if we'll connect this weekend but I know I'll have to "fess up" come Monday, so I'm keeping an eye on myself.

1 comment:

無料提供!!情報商材・商品徹底分析!!(初心者向け) said...

You dear to the recent commitments, thank you. Add a picture of promise.
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