Monday, December 29, 2008

Second Thoughts About the Clearance Sale

By the time I finished wrapping all the gifts we bought I was not enjoying it at all! (And I wrapped as I bought the gifts, not all in one looooong day like I've done in the past).

I have thought of buying up Christams gift bags while they are on sale. I'd get them in various sizes. Then I could throw out the half used rolls of wrapping paper that end up crinkled or torn by the next year.

Hmmm ... the bags could be reused and recirculated among my family members. We already save the good bows, why not save the "good" gift bags?

It will be much easier to store the bags too.

Clearance sales

I know that now is the best time to buy Christmas items -- decorations, gift wrap and greeting cards. I just can't bring myself to look at them.

It's like looking at food when you've just eaten a big meal. It's not even tempting.


Are you thinking of New Year resolutions yet? I think the people who make them are. They may have already written them down. I'm calling mine "goals." I have several categories for my goals.
I'll add to the lists (under each category) as I think of them.

The categories I've come up with so far are: Spiritual Goals, Physical Goals, Mental Growth Goals, Marriage Goals and Family Goals.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas Traditions

Do you have them?
Here are some of ours:
driving around looking at lights
playing Christmas music while we decorate the tree
watching the APS Electric Light parade
going to the tree lot (and standing beside the fire)
attending candleight service
baking cookies for our neighbors
having all our kids and grandkids over on Christmas Eve for dinner
hanging The Jesse Tree ornaments from our ceiling
having "Egg Bake" on Christmas morning
taking the baby out of all of our manger scenes (until Christmas morning)

Habits I try to break each year:
massive wrapping on Christmas Eve
shopping all the way to Christmas Eve
sending out of state packages late

December 4

Time to write our annual Christmas letter.
Summarize life into one 8 1/2 x 11 page.
Brief but interesting.
Entertaining but informative.
Equal sharing about each child.
There's never much to say about me.
Include encouragment in the Lord.
Once I start, I can't stop writing.
Oops too long.
Change the font (make it smaller).
Have family proof read.
We used to individually sign them all.
Now we sign the master copy.
Into the envelopes they go.
Something I can check off my "to do" list.
It's a pleasure, not a task.