Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I have a fear of dogs, especially big ones with black faces. Barking freaks me out especially when it starts up without warning and startles you.

The first week I walked our street without any dog issues. Then the weekend came and my neighbors were home. There's a dog on my street that I'm afraid of just because it looks like I dog that I was very much afraid of (Shasteen's former dog, Jax). The dog on my block was outside with his master. He barked at me but didn't rush to the front of his yard (which is a plus). I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that I'd have to pass by this house again on my way back down the street.

Near the end of my street there's oleanders along the alley entrance. When I walked past the bushes several dogs barked at me. I couldn't help but think about a loose dog running out of the alley and chasing me.

The next day I started wearing a radio headset and just turned up the music while I walked. It helped ... some.

Week two I decided to walk at the park. No dog instances there, until today. As I walked across the street (to the park) I saw two large dogs that were unleashed.They were walking around near a woman. I assumed they were her dogs. My dog anxiety is stronger at times, today was a high danger day. The lady and the dogs were walking toward me. I just couldn't make myself walk (even in a different direction).

Today I walked down my street and around the parking lot and some buildings, back down the street and a short distance in the park. I walked for 20 minutes.

When I got home I pulled out my resistance bands and did some arm work. I had a workout routine written on an index card, taped to the front of the box. It has been several months since I last used the bands. I couldn't remember what half of the exercies were anymore. All I had written down were the names and how many times I was supposed to do them. I know Chris will help me. (She gets so excited when I bring up these things! She didn't think I'd be so gung-ho!!)

1 comment:

murfsturf said...

You had a right to be afraid of Jax, even I was afraid of him. I hope you can tolerate my current dogs, Rusty and Star.