Thursday, January 21, 2010

Week Three -- Mid Week

Week two weigh in ... down .6
That brings my two week loss to SEVEN POUNDS.

I'm tracking my points every day without any problem. Started riding the exercise bike on a more regular basis. I've ridden it first thing in the morning the last two days.

Foods I've been tempted to overeat: Veggie Straw (love them!), Vitatops (muffin tops) and skinny cow ice cream sandwiches.

I haven't gone over my allotted points, and for this I am thankful to God ... for His strength.

1 comment:

One Sheep, One Blog said...

Good going, girlfriend! You are an inspiration in not only going through the diet and de-cluttering, but also sharing so openly and thus giving your family and friends the opportunity to rejoice with you!