Friday, January 8, 2010

Friday, January 8, 2010

Yesterday was my son's birthday. Fortunately he doesn't like cake. His girl friend took him out for dinner and invited us to join them. We (my daughter and I) declined. We're not ready to eat in a restaurant just yet. Especially not one that serves BIG yummy hamburgers and fries !!

Today, I was becoming glugged down with lots of emotional gunk. I sat down and wrote out my emotions (and what caused them). I felt MUCH BETTER after getting it all out on paper. I have found this to be very theraputic for many reasons.

One reason is that as I write them out, they lose their power over me (I see them for what they are ... or for the TRUE size that they are). Also, as I write I can discover any "thinking errors" I am having.

Hubby's home. Gotta go hear how he almost died twice on his drive home!

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