I don't just carry clutter on my body ... I have it in my home too. Lots of stuff. Things I had good intentions for or "good stuff" (useful) that I may use in the future. Of course IF I should need it, I probably won't be able to find it or even remember that I have it!
Then there are the papers. Piles of them everywhere. Piles of indecision I've heard them called. I would have to agree. They are papers that I'm holding onto for some reason. I'm a data collector and information junkie.
The data is piling up in my INBOX too. I have had over 1,000 e-mail messages in my INBOX before. Why don't I just delete them? Good question. The same reason why I have piles of papers. I may NEED some of the information for some reason in the future.
If you are not a hoarder, you won't understand. Yes, it really is a problem. Yes, it does affect my life. Yes, it does zap my energy as soon as I walk into my house. Yes, it does keep me from having people in my home. Yes, it does embarrass me. It depresses me. It overwhelms me. It frustrates me. It angers me. And yet I continue to live in it.
I know that there's some deep reason for it -- just like there's a reason why I eat when I'm not hungry. It's my hope and prayer that God will set me free in both of these struggles.
In Hindsight
12 years ago
Piles of indecision!!
Beautiful, perfect description for my piles.
I can SO relate. Ya think if we had someone ELSE come into our homes and get rid of a lot of our stuff that we would be better off??
Would we rejoice at the order around us or would we secretly curse them because vital things (or what we THINK are vital things) would be missing??
Is that something we could talk ourselves into doing? A courtesy for a friend. I'll declutter your house, if you declutter mine??
Hm...I think I'm willing but I'm not sure. I'll mull it over and decide later.
Maybe we can get some of your piles scanned and saved as electronic files -- then you can get rid of the paper. We'll talk later.
I've tried to help "cluttered" friends and it's not something to do lightly. It can be extremely traumatic for someone to have an "outsider" (no matter how close a friend) come in your home and start ordering things to be thrown away. My heart goes out to you who have such a hard time with this. In my enthusiasm to "help" I know I hurt, and I'm sorry. You have helped me to care and be more empathic and less judgmental. I am grateful for the lesson.
The tall one
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