Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Back Tracking Observations

This is why I value journaling ... remembering and listing all that I experienced this weekend revealed that I was very distracted! It wasn't just one circumstance or one event, it was several. No wonder I felt lost.

  • I jump to "worst case scenario" instead of choosing to think positively
  • My anxious thoughts cause myself unrest and a loss of my serenity
  • As soon as I feel something strongly (no matter what the emotion) I want to stop right there and journal about it. I want to look at it from all angles and see if I am having thinking errors. For instance, I assumed that my brother was "missing" for a bad reason. I still don't know where he was or why he didn't come to take my parents to the airport. That is his personal business, but I am now aware of how I immediately jump to the worse thoughts.
  • When I was anxious, (and as I let them grow unattended) I lost my focus and I ate to comfort myself.
  • I was feeling depressed over disappointing myself (concerning the unfocused eating).
  • I also told myself that I should have gone to the 90th birthday party (and let myself dwell in those thoughts) when the truth was that I could not afford to go. That is the reason I did not go. My financial situation had not changed no matter who all of my relatives went. I don't love my grandmother less because I didn't go.

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