Monday, August 9, 2010


Last week a WW member shared that she is keeping a list of her own "Bravo" achievements.

We are encouraged to share something positive about our week (doesn't have to be food or scale related) at the beginning of our weekly meetings and then we are awarded a "bravo" sticker.

I like the idea of keeping my own running list ... it will help me see that I am INDEED making progress regardless of what the scale says.

Saturday night I left the pizza parlor with a box (BOX!) of leftover pizza to take home after a birthday party. I had already eaten some pizza earlier in the evening, along with drinking soda and having a piece of cake and some ice cream.

I was all alone in my van. I opened the box and ate one piece .. I could have easily eaten the rest of the leftovers before I got home ... and barely remembered that I had done it! I didn't. After that first piece, I closed the box and talked to myself. I told myself that the PIZZA was not what I wanted / needed. Eating more wasn't going to stop (or help) what was happening inside of me.

Bravo, Liz !