Today was quite a day. One I won't soon forget. It started last night with some drama. A great sadness overshadowed this morning and then, I was an eyewitness to an auto accident. As a matter of fact, it happened right in front of me. I stood on the scale this evening feeling hopeful. What a shock to read that I had gained over 3 pounds! Ok, that's the icing on this cake.
Now to look at today's events from another view: The only time I will not experience any drama, will be when I'm dead and gone. Why should it surprise me? How would I know that God can heal a broken heart if I never had one? I witnessed an auto accident, I wasn't in it. No one was killed in it. I prayed for all involved. For whatever reason, they all had a near death experience today. What they decide to do with that knowledge is between them and their maker. I exercised right before I left home for the weigh in (maybe that's why the scale went up?) My leader reminded me that IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT THE RESULTS ON THE SCALE. We're striving for lifestyle/behavioral changes. "You exercised today, Liz!"
In Hindsight
12 years ago