Sunday, July 11, 2010

Feeling the Love

When the last item was delivered and all the children were seated on the floor, all eyes were on me. Emily came back in and had a note in her hand. She said that she was told to read it aloud. As she read I wondered who had written it. The author had mentioned my pretty fingers and toes. Hmmm, who would know about that? Then she read the line that told me it was from my dear husband, Bob.

Everyone oooed and ahhhed. It contained a lot of emotion and loving words. It meant much more to me because I know that he has a hard time putting down on paper how he feels. Love notes do not come easy for him.

I started to open some of the letters. Many of them were e-mails that had been sent to Emily, per her request, and she had printed them out for me. As I would look to see the name at the bottom of the message, I would again get choked up. I read one or two aloud and then I had to stop. I couldn't get through anymore.

My grandson, Anthony, said he would read his card to me. It was a humorous card and we all laughed. Then two or three other grandchildren read their handmade cards aloud. They were very sweet and made me smile. Next my dad, who is 75 years old, said he would read his card to me. He started out and had our attention, then he got choked up and couldn't read. We all needed kleenex after that.

1 comment:

One Sheep, One Blog said...

Wow! There is so much love between you all -- what a huge blessing!