Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I was chatting online with my dear friend just before I was about to ride my exercise bike. I challenged her to get on her treadmill and then come back to chat afterward. She took the challenge and off we went to exercise.

Time seemed to fly by as I thought about her walking while I was pedaling. In the days to follow we'd check in with each other and report whether or not we had exercised yet. I really enjoyed this special week we had together (even though we were miles apart) and the accountability it provided knowing that she'd be asking me if I had exercised that day.

Thanks L ; )

1 comment:

One Sheep, One Blog said...

Knowing your pedaling helps me stay treadmilling!! The accountability is great for me 'cuz I really need it!!! ; )
Let's have a water toast to good health!! Cheers!