Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

Tonight Bob took me out to eat. I thumbed through the Weight Watcher's Dining Out book to preview the menu selections BEFORE we even left home. I knew what I was going to order before we were seated at the restaurant. What a relief !

We ate at Chili's and I ordered the Guiltless Grilled Salmon ....yum!! Bob and I couldn't stop taking about how good the food tasted and how much we enjoyed the steamed veggies! They were scrumptous without any butter on them !! We both ordered a salad as an appetizer and thought it was one of the best salads we had ever tasted!

It's as if I am tasting food for the very first time!

1 comment:

One Sheep, One Blog said...

Sounds yummy! Very smart to decide BEFORE you got to the restaurant. It's wonderful that you and hubby enjoyed the meal so much. Good reinforcement for future dates! Ü