Thursday, April 7, 2011


I asked about my heel pain. This is what I discovered:

When you walk, your body tightens up (and when you "up" your walking, even more so). Until you increase your flexibility, your body will bark at you -- usually felt in your joints -- knees, ankles, hips, etc. My right heel was doing the barking.

There's no quick way for me to gain flexibility. It will take time. Stretching after* walking is essential for me. 

In the meantime, while I am having a pain issue, I should slow down my pace and walk levelly (not at/on inclines). At home I can ice my heel if necessary, but should not ice prior to a work out, and not walk barefoot.

After today's weight machine rotation, Jon said he was giving me a three day weekend to rest my heel. He believes that I will feel much less discomfort by then. Because I am not having pain in both my feet or any other part of my legs, he doesn't think the inclines will be detrimental to me. He wants me to walk at a slower pace (I had pushed myself to walk even faster than I was supposed to on Wednesday).

He said I could go to the gym and do some cardio tomorrow, if I really wanted to, but I didn't have to. 
I might. If I do, I'll stay off the treadmill ... I could ride a bike or use an elliptical.

*remember this little tidbit of information 

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