Friday, May 14, 2010

Still on track

Quick update

Weight loss to date 18.8 pounds. I've been inching my way to the 20 pound mark (some weeks I've gained a little, some lost a little and other maintained).

I'm still riding the exercise bike 4-5 days a week, using resistance bands and a dumbell for working out my arms and upper body and have added a daily walk too. I'm EXTREMELY grateful to my daughter and husband who are walking everyday with me. We are doing this as a team (the walking) and it's been so good for all of us!

Have marked improvement in my sleep!! I'm taking a medication to help make me drowsy (but a very low dose) and am going TO bed much, much earlier than I have for the past couple of years. Getting more sleep has done WONDERS for my life (mood, outlook, energy, quality, etc ...)

To God be the glory for what HE has done in me !!

p/s I'm not up all night anymore, so I'm not on the computer for as long as I used to be. I"m busy living my life : )