Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Ugly Truth

I weighed myself on Monday and was amazed to see that I was down another pound. It seems like I have been eating alot lately and I haven't been walking. I'm out of the habit of walking now and just had a loaner exercise bike delivered (they are still waiting for a part for mine).

My husband continues having difficulty swallowing. He'll undergo a test on Monday to determine what the problem is. His voice is coming back a little bit.

A friend asked me how I was dealing with everything: hubby being sick, medical bills piling up, no income, etc. I said "I'm eating."

My husband went back to work this week.

I probably haven't written because I didn't want to face my reality. I'm eating and not "working" my way through my emotions. I could easily fall into a disabling depression. I've been there before, don't want to go that far again.

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