Friday, September 18, 2009

The Cost of Beauty

After one eyebrow was completed, there was no stopping. I had to let her do the other one. I wasn't going to be the big baby who wimpered in the chair. Had to really work at holding my eye relaxed (as if I was an old pro) and not react by flinching and closing it tight.

There was a tear, just one, but I caught it before it rolled across my face.

Couldn't help but wonder what all Esther had to endure in her time of preparation to go before the king. Surely they primped and preened her. Wonder if that's when the saying started about beauty not being pain free (or something like that)?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I didn't know

Went to the mall, this afternoon, to have my eyebrows done. A woman performs the transformation by using some sort of thread. She holds it in her mouth and winds it around a finger or two. It crisscrosses and plucks as well as razors away the unwanted hairs.

I had watched the demonstration video and seen other women sitting in the chairs having this procedure done. It worked and appeared to be painless.

I purposesly let my brows grow unattended in preparation for this day. Little did I know, I would regret that decision. Won't do that again!